
Pages on Security is an educational blog about information security.

I have initially created the content for the courses I teach at the University of Bucharest (BSc and MSc levels) Thus, I had previously used, and I will continue to use Pages on Security as teaching material for my students. 

The initial idea was to give my students a single "page" on a specific topic and discuss it, encouraging active learning in class. So, each post contains one such "page" to which I add a (brief) explanation. 

Pages on Security uses a color code:

  • Concepts, Notions, … 
  • Constructions, Examples, … 
  • Attacks, Weaknesses, …

I have decided to make Pages on Security publicly available and not try to publish it as a course book. I hope it will become valuable material for students (worldwide) but also for others that are interested in the topic. 

Let me know if you are an educator who uses Pages on Security as a resource in class, or if Pages on Security helped you in any way as a student or professional. 

Help me improve the content by adding constructive comments to the posts. Alternatively, you can also contact me directly - check my personal webpage.


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